How to Hatch a Dinosaur

     Interesting fact:  You can procure dinosaur eggs at the local store for only $1 each.  Who knew?  Bring ’em home, throw them in some water, wait 48-72 hours and viola! you have yourself a dinosaur hatchling. Ours lived on our dining table where Aaric was able to keep a …

New this week…

TANTRUMS… screaming, kicking, lie on the floor, nonsensical tantrums… Admittedly, the first time it happened it was quite funny mostly because his anger was directed at a bottle of bubbles… a bottle which he could not open, did not want help opening, did not want to open, wanted help opening, and …

A much needed haircut

Little man did great – required a bit of distraction complements of two new toy cars but a small price to pay for a drama and nick free cut.  Surprisingly the electic clipper didn’t bother him nearly as much a the snipping of the scissors…      Post haircut we stopped …

Aadibhai’s Shoes

Aaric in his Aadibhai shoes… we found them in a bag of hand me downs from Vital and ever since he found out that they once belonged to his Aadibhai he refuses to wear any other pair… they are still a bit on the big side which makes it all the more adorable. …

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